Booster shot - A term used to describe a shot that is administered after an initial shot is given. A booster shot is used to help support the immune system in the long term.
Different types of influenza - There are three different types of influenza, which are influenza A, influenza B, and influenza C. While each one requires treatments, some are more serious than others.
Diphtheria - A serious infection of the nose and throat that makes it very difficult to breathe. Fortunately, diphtheria is easy to prevent with vaccination.
Hepatitis - There are three different types of hepatitis (A, B, and C), and they are all preventable by a vaccine. Hepatitis can cause severe fatigue, nausea, and abdominal pain.
Immunity - The ability of the immune system to fight off and resist a particular form of infection. One who is immune to infection has "built up an immunity" toward that particular bacteria or virus.
Immunization/Vaccination - A vaccination or immunization is the injection of a substance into the body, such as influenza, used to help the body build up an immunity to the bacteria or virus.
Influenza - Most commonly referred to as the flu, influenza is a viral infection that causes symptoms of runny nose, constant coughing, chills, fatigue, and fever. It can be treated with medical assistance.
Measles - A very complicated infection that leads to flu-like symptoms, a fever, and a red rash. While measles is serious in young children, measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) are preventable by vaccination.
Tetanus - A severe bacterial infection that can cause severe pain and muscle spasms. Tetanus is a severe illness, but it is preventable through vaccination.
Viral infection - A virus is a microscopic organism that invades and reproduces inside the body. The act of this invasion is referred to as a viral infection, which often causes illnesses such as influenza or the common cold.